The second anniversary of the Game Pop, Thank you!

Hi, Thank you always for your support.
I feel like it was only a few months ago since I thanked you for the first anniversary of the Game Pop. Time flies!
It was really great that by expanding the platforms, my tunes were listened to in 54 countries by streaming, so I'm very delighted!
And on social media, Snapchat told me that my tunes were played in 13 countries, wow♪ Thank you for choosing my tunes!
Through music distribution, I'm more interested in each of your cultures, so I'm more motivated than ever to know world history, geography, or background from news, books, movies, and so on. I enjoy learning them so much!
I'm thankful that I could gain such a wonderful opportunity.
I'll keep challenging myself to write more interesting works, so please keep listening to my music anytime you want from now on!
Thank you for everything and see you at the next release!
There's one thing that I'm worried about, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok haven't given me the reports yet.
I'm worried that your previous posts using my tunes didn't sound when I changed my distributor with expanding the platforms, and I hope it didn't occur.
Nevertheless if so, I'm really sorry to bother you, but my tunes are still available, so I hope you will search and select them again.
Actually, I'd like to communicate with each of you on social media, but as you may know, there's still concern that the stalker hurts not only me but you also, so I'm trying to find a solution.
If I start any social media again, I'll let you know on this website.
For now, I'm doing a YouTube channel lightly. The URL is :
Thank you for your understanding.