Cards & Liner notes
About Game Pop (Click here and can see liner notes.)

Game Nostalgia
Do you believe ? This tune uses only 4 tones !
I arranged this song respecting Gameboy's music. It was a great experience !

Space Shooter
This song expresses a space shooting game's world.

My Favorite Games
This song is a homage to my favorite video game's music.
I expressd a breezy location on this song, I hope a pleasant breeze blows on your mind.

Electric World
This kind of title might not be attractive for the person who isn't familiar with science fiction or video games, but my tunes, especially the Game Pop series, are made by strong melodies so that everyone could enjoy them.
I wanted to let this tune cool anyway, so I tried layering the synthesizer tones to make intensity, for example, I layered the bass tone with an organ tone, or the clarinet tone with two different electric tones, and so on.
I think this tune is one of the coolest tunes in my music, so I want to recommend it to the listeners who like cool tunes!

Future City
I tried to express futuristic cities as a concept, they are treated by an animation, a video game, a movie, or an exposition, I think.
We can see charming things called futuristic design in architecture, vehicles, appliances, etc.
I like imagining a futuristic city of mine. Don't you feel your city is attractive?