Cards & Liner notes

About Game Pop 2 (Click here and can see liner notes.)

Dazzling City

Dazzling City

This tune is the beginning of the "Game Pop 2" and I find it has a similar feature to "Game Nostalgia", the first track of the "Game Pop".

"Game Nostalgia" was made with only 4 tones, and "Dazzling City" was made with only a 4-bar basic phrase. I considered how I let these simple materials live.

Although in the same gorgeous night city, views would be changed by locations or neon signs turning - that's what I wanted to express.

So I varied repeats of the same phrase with the arrangement.


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Exotic Remains

Let's imagine ancient civilization; there would be ancient buildings, a strong wind blowing, a bright sun glaring, and so on.

I tried to consider these elements while composing this tune.


About the melody, I wasn't conscious of a specific ethnic scale, but I chose the one that I felt exotic and bright.

I think it was a good idea that I took a sinthesizer's tone that would remind us of a sandstorm in the chord part.

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Green Field

I was drawing in my heart a wonderful green scene that has a comfortable breeze, sunlight and the sound of a stream while making this tune.

The style of my works often uses modulation, so there tend to be many sharp(♯) and flat(♭), but this tune begins in rare C major without sharp or flat.

But, the modulation appears a little in this tune as well, so if there were a contest for 'Who's the least user of modulation?',

I would be prohibited to participate in it, I think.   (It's funny, isn't it?)

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Unidentified Planet

To express a strange sense, I aimed to make composition hard to know what comes next, so this tune has longer phrases than other tunes.

I think I could comparatively write it without suffering, but I was confused about the title; I couldn't think of anything cool.

The person who saved me from this pinch was my mother. She suggested the title, thanks mom!


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Twilight Flight

I've really wanted to express 'Twilight Flight', and this tune was born.


What does the word 'Twilight' remind of you?

For me, this word is beautiful and a little sad, it was so charming, so I tried various ways to make the melody like that.


In many cases of my tunes, I put weight on the melody, and luckily I found the synthesizer tone (especially the beginning and the end) fitted well to the image of the melody.

The encounter with tones like that always gives me a special delight and I really appreciate the sound designer who created the synth tone!

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