
2024 / 04 / 13  

April 17th is the release date of "Night Cities" for the EP!

translate in Japanese


*I'm sorry for the rapid release pace, but my releases will remain alive for a while, so please enjoy them at your own pace!*


Hi, this is Naomi♬

We are now in a change of seasons, aren't we?    Please take a good rest and take care of yourself!

Oh, me? I have already gotten bad from the unstable weather last week. (Come on, Naomi!) But it's okay now!


I'd like to release a 2-tunes EP, titled "Night Cities", which contains "Night City Blues" and "Night Expressway"!


The former "Night City Blues" is a sort of serious tune. I imagined something blue - like an urban depression.

The latter "Night Expressway" will blow off our depression - upbeat jazz rhythm brings you a speedy feeling!


While releasing my tunes worldwide, I truly feel that you all have great culture and sensibilities to accept diverse music, so I can try to release various kinds of tunes.

I'm grateful for each of the wonderful listeners, thank you very much!


See you at the next release!