Cards & Liner notes

About Game Pop 2 (Click here and can see liner notes.)



There was nobody but you I love so much. Te amo Sweetie. I can't live without your hug. Hug me please...I miss you so much. I need you. Te quiero. I'm in lacking-of-you syndrome. If I were real strong Naomi saurus, I could fly to your country tomorrow by crocopter.

*12 de marzo*(23:58)

Sweetie, this is my dream...♡♡♡

241231142241796~2.JPG 241231142250515~4.JPG Good night, you are my pleasure. Te amo.

*11 de marzo*(24:43)

Hi Sweetie, it was a little unhappy holiday today, because of PMS. But I suddenly remembered that the scent of geranium was effective for PMS, so I used its essential oil for my room fragrance, and then my holiday turned out to be medium, fortunately.

I hope I can meet you in my dream today, buenas noches♡Te amo.


*10 de marzo*(24:22) 

Sweetie, I failed to dream of you...but instead, that my favorite logo's store appeared in my dream! I failed to enter the store, though...

My dental treatment was postponed because of my PMS. (The reason why I got PMS again is that there are four harassive people around me.) I suppose I have two left unconscious decayed teeth, so I have to go to the dentist next month as well.

In other words, te amo mucho♡Sweetie♡♡



*9 de marzo*(24:15)

Sweetie♡♡♡Tengo sueño...quiero soñar de usted. Hasta mañana, te amo.

*8 de marzo*(23:37)

Hi Sweetie♡♡♡, have a nice sábado! I'm going el domingo un poco earlier than you.

Tengo que ir al dentista el próximo lunes otra vez. Duerme bien, te amo mucho♡


*6 de marzo*(22:34)

Sweetie, Your Sweetie of Decayed Teeth is going to the dentist tomorrow. I'm tired so I don't feel scared so much. I send you big hugs. XX

You look like you have never had decayed teeth, do you think I'm tired...? Te amo.

*27 de febrero*(24:10)

Untitled-4- (Spanish).png



*26 de febrero*(23:20) Sweetie,♡

I see something is wrong on the contact form. I will never give up until I can contact you. It was my biggest regret that I didn't ask you to write your name and song on my notebook - my mom said that I should do it and it's absolutely correct.

If I couldn't find you, la vida es nada para mi.

¿Conoces 'Diez años' de Rafael Hernandez? I love this song very much, but I don't want it to happen in my life.


*25 de febrero*(23:42)

Hi Sweetie, I tend to post at night particularly on my part-time job day. I'm weak in the morning especially in about you, Sweetie?

I suppose you might be strong in the morning. It's only my instinct, though. Thank you for visiting. Have a great day, Te amo♡

(p.s. This website's mail system seems to have been attacked. I'll let you know when I get further info, sorry.)


(1 de feb 23:35)

Sweetie,perhaps you practiced typing of 'インストゥルメント' in Japanese? (I found it at the part of related keywords!)

'トゥ' can be displayed by 'twu', but even most of Japanese don't know it. You are not only very cool but also adorable! I can't help loving you more and more♡♡♡ If it's not you, I love you so much.


Nuestra habitación - febrero

Nuestra habitación - enero

Nuestra habitación - diciembre

Nuestra habitación - noviembre


 *my sweetie exclusive page♡

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