
2024 / 06 / 25  





(1)  50代で日本でよく知られている作品に長い間携わっている方です。イニシャルはAです。

(2) その方はSNS上に多数の匿名アカウントを持ち、実在しない人物になりすましています。

























2024 / 06 / 01  

The next release on June 6 is : "A Rainy Day"

translate in Japanese


*I'm sorry for the rapid release pace, but my releases will remain alive for a while, so please enjoy them at your own pace!*


Hi, thank you for always supporting me! I'm Naomi.


This month, I'll present you with a romantic tune titled "A Rainy Day".

Before making this tune, I got a hint that a great piano player uses a full range of keys well from low to high.

Considering that, I tried to regard the piano keys as gentle raindrops, and additionally, flute, jazz clarinet and electric piano tones will direct a beautiful rainy day for you.

I hope this tune will be added to your rainy day's memories nicely!

2024 / 04 / 13  

April 17th is the release date of "Night Cities" for the EP!

translate in Japanese


*I'm sorry for the rapid release pace, but my releases will remain alive for a while, so please enjoy them at your own pace!*


Hi, this is Naomi♬

We are now in a change of seasons, aren't we?    Please take a good rest and take care of yourself!

Oh, me? I have already gotten bad from the unstable weather last week. (Come on, Naomi!) But it's okay now!


I'd like to release a 2-tunes EP, titled "Night Cities", which contains "Night City Blues" and "Night Expressway"!


The former "Night City Blues" is a sort of serious tune. I imagined something blue - like an urban depression.

The latter "Night Expressway" will blow off our depression - upbeat jazz rhythm brings you a speedy feeling!


While releasing my tunes worldwide, I truly feel that you all have great culture and sensibilities to accept diverse music, so I can try to release various kinds of tunes.

I'm grateful for each of the wonderful listeners, thank you very much!


See you at the next release!

2024 / 02 / 14  

On Feb. 24th, "In a Violet Mood" is coming!

translate in Japanese


Hi, thank you for visiting. Happy Valentine's Day!


I'm sorry that it's only 2 month after releasing my latest album, but I'd like to release a new single titled "In a Violet Mood" 10 days later.


― Don't you think why the new release is not today, on Valentine's day?

― You are right, I'm ashamed to say that I mistook counting days and failed to fix the release date. I'm so sorry...

― Oh, You are so sweet! Thank you for words of comfort!




I have written other kinds of tunes in parallel with the Game Pop series, so this time,

I tried to sketch night scenes, beautiful views, and deep emotions, since I often think that I want to express mature feelings in my works.


I'm sure this tune suits mature people like you!

It would be very nice if this tune could make your night more comfortable, please enjoy it with your fabulous night!

2024 / 01 / 01  

A Happy New Year 2024

New Year '24-3.png

New year's card for you♬


translate in Japanese

🎍Hi, there!🪁



I wish you good welfare from my heart this year as well. And I hope my songs will make you happy even if it's a very little! 


This year, I consider that I want to release other kinds of songs that differ from the Game Pop series, too!

If there is anything I want to tell you, I will announce it on this website.

I'm very glad if you will visit in your free time!




Today, I released "Walk In The Sky(Rocket Belt's Dream)" as a single version from the album "Game Pop 2" for platforms in Japan.

Because I felt it seems more common in Japan where I live, to release a single version than an album. 


If you live in Japan, use any platform and haven't listened to my songs yet,

I recommend this cheerful, happy song! 


Let's make our 2024 delightful together!


Here is Walk In The Sky (Rocket Belt's Dream) link♬

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